Redwood House

I think that every studio or freelancer faces a situation when he must wait for a response from the client, feedback, brief, or simply has a break of several days between projects. We decided to take this situation into a challenge. Below we present the effects of our work on a side project made in between the time from a few weeks.

The main aim was the most detailed and as realistic as possible CGI recreation of the existing Redwood House located in San Diego, designed by Jeff Svitak. An important inspiration was the photographs of Onnis Luque.
All in full CGI

Burlam Mountain Foothill Village

Large team for an even larger project: this is a 2nd prize award-winning proposal for a large housing complex in Junggyebon-dong, Seoul.

The housing program is divided into two different archetypes (large mountain-like apartments and small blocks) and becomes part of the adjacent Burlam National Park, continuing the network of hiking trails and featuring a scenic Canopy Walk.

London Social Housing Regeneration

This is one of two images created in an invited bid for a social housing estate regeneration scheme in North London.

Originally, we wanted to create more moody shots to suit the way London looks most of the time (it does get cloudy here a lot!) but eventually managed to settle for an after-shower scene due to client comments. We tried to create an image that looked natural – not overcrowded, not too glitzy and a bit rugged and true to real life. The result was well received and an accurate portrayal of what the finished scheme would probably look like.


Concept project of a villa in a remote island, a place to be “away” from the rest of the world. I modelled the cliff in 3D Coat, the girl in Daz and the rest in 3d max, redered with Corona 1.7 and some post in Photoshop. Trees from Vizpark and Evermotion. Lighting was done with HDRIs from PGSKIES cabibrated by me. Hope you like it!