Making of Mea Terra

A new making-of for 2020 by Fat Tony Studio and their amazing Mea Terra project… Lot’s of insight in this one and you got to love those Turntables!

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Boulevard House

Incredible is little to define Boulevard House, a residence designed by Ferri Arquiteturta. The location is living proof that architecture is open to infinite possibilities and that simple squares and rectangles are not the only options when thinking about a construction. Ferri went after the materialization of a totally unique house.

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Angular House

3D representation of the Angular House project of the Stemmer Rodrigues Architecture Architecture Office.
Software used: 3ds Max, V-Ray, Forest Pack Pro and Photoshop
I found this project very interesting and decided to represent it in 3D
Modeling is simple using only 3ds Max and some Maxtree models.
Lighting is simply an HDRI Dome from HDRIHAVEN
The Materials and rendering I used the V-Ray and some Megascans materials as well.

Casa Cook – El Gouna

At Fat Tony studio we have been creating and maintaining the marketing content for Casa Cook Hotels little over a year now. Main challenge that we faced was to keep the execution of the quality on the same level, and always deliver recognizable Casa Cook style.

Before the opening of Casa Cook – El Gouna we were tasked to capture and present the design, vibe and mood of the destination. This included creating a visual presentation that will be unique to the location, but simultaneously fit in Casa Cook signature design.
Ground colors, soft natural materials, light versus shadow, wind and sand. These were all the elements that we took under the consideration and we brought them together to convincingly capture the uniqueness of this Red Sea location.

Full project in high-res :

Thank you for watching !