Hinterhouse Prefab

The aim of the project was to showcase Poliigon’s new ground photoscans textures in an archviz environment. The existing project Hinterhouse by Mènard Dworkind was chosen as the ideal location to do so. I decided to take the project further in my free time and experiment with varying lighting scenarios.
Highres images here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/107531403/Hinterhouse-Prefab

Lofoten Islands

Hello to all,
This is my new personal project. The idea of this project was formed in my mind when I accidentally saw the images of the Lofoten Islands, Norway on the Internet and this attractive environment covered by snow with simple but lovely cabins heavily influenced me, and after investigation and viewing different images on the Internet and understanding the surroundings, I decided to simulate it in my free time so that you can see the result now.
The most important software was: 3dsmax, Corona render, Zbrush, PolySnow, PhoenixFD, Substance painter, Frost, World Machine, SpeedTree, Forest pack, Photoshop.
I hope you enjoy it.

Ashlar House

The architecture of the represented house is ideally refined and sophisticated. The rustic atmosphere is conditioned by the house’s location but it looks stylish and elegant. Having emerged from the surrounding context, the design no doubt creates a home of pleasant coziness. The house surely takes advantage of this vast site. It has been conceived as a journey for the owners to enjoy as they pass through both the building and onwards through the rear garden – with its raised wildflower meadow beyond. That’s why this detailed design certainly combines tradition with subtle modernity.

Also, we’d like to add some words about the technical aspect of the project, because many readers of Ronen Bekerman’s blog might be interested in this part of our project. The house itself was modeled in SketchUp by the client and remodeled in 3ds MAX. To achieve the atmospheric images, in particular evening shots, we used LightMix. Corona Scatter was a tool that we used to create grass, ground cover plants, and flowers. Every tree in the scene was custom placed to achieve the best desirable result of their location and scale. We appreciate details and every global material in the scene was made from scratch to recreate the surface in the most realistic way. The car model Porsche 911 was received from Szymon Kubicki & Bartosz Pęksa and adjusted by us for Corona Renderer.

Hope the article was interesting and useful.

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