Cafe loge (Full cgi Animation)

“Cafe loge” Interior animation-CGI
I had to stay away from the Commissioned project for two years.
This was a great opportunity for me to gain new experiences in this profession.
And that’s why I choose “Cafe Loge” to model it in great detail, create realistic materials and test it countlessly.
I also review my first personal project called “Marvellous House”.
I remastered it and put it inside a glass ball in the corner of this cafe and named it “Marvellous Planet”.
The animation of this project was a big challenge for me because there were two scenes (two different projects) in one file (Marvellous planet & Cafe Loge).
Soon, I will publish the full renders of this scene in two parts (Close-up & View) and in several series of posts.
Softwares/ 3DSmax,Vray,Adobe Photoshop,Forestpackpro,Quixel Bridge
Modelling to Rendering,Color grading to composite And Post Processing by @Yahya_jafari
Also here is some of renderframes of this animation…
Hope you enjoy it…

Arrachay – CGI

Text description provided by the architects. Arrachay from Quichua language: Arrarray, very caliente (agua termal). Achachay, very frío (páramo andino). This project is auto-commissioned, the culmination of many years of dreams, encompassing local technology, environmental challenges, and small but flexible architecture. Designed during the pandemic, this project is based on the newly used term “workations”. Its purpose is to challenge new ways to work. Working remotely in an incredible natural setting.
Located in the Andean “paramo” of Ecuador near 4000 meters above sea level this project begins from past building experiences mainly in using wood. An earlier project exists on site where the team understood the hardships of building in these conditions. Extremely cold weather is enclosed in an atmosphere of clouds and trees, these are the chilling climate conditions (achachay). The refuge must retain maximum heat on the inside, outside it’s another story. Nearby thermal pools (arrarray) help you relish in this landscape of extremes.


Abou Building

This building has a total area of ​​189 m^2 and is not very high (about 25 meters high).

Also, this building has a total of 5 floors on the ground floor, which, as shown in the renderings, are the ground floor.

According to the conversation with Mr. Takbiri about the design of this project: In designing this project, we tried to prevent duplication by creating very short distances between the floors as well as minor protrusions in some floors.

We also tried to avoid color variation by using simple materials.

For this reason, we used two types of materials:

White cement (predominant material)

Dark cement

Currently, this project is located in Tehran (Parkway neighborhood) and is under construction.

About Software

This building was first modeled (after the design process) in AutoCAD software (3D).

It was then handed over to me to simulate the environment and the scene.

I also tried to simulate the light as close as I could to reality before I started making the material.

Then I started making scenes, reflections, bricks and ….

About city

This building is located in Tehran (Iran) and Parkway neighborhood.

Tehran is the capital of Iran and Parkway neighborhood is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Tehran.

Anyway hope you like it and thanks for your attention

Levitas Temporis

When I started to read, a new world opened in my mind. My wife is the person who made me love books, and I am so thankful for that.
Levitas Temporis or Lightness of Time represents how time goes quickly when we are reading.
This short film made me realize how books, cinema, and TV shows are joining my passion for storytelling.