
What we tried to achieve here was to capture the mood, lighting and colours from vintage photography of the 80′ on a simple studio scene. To achieve that, the main focus was on choosing the right materials, in this case mostly brown leather and concrete walls and floors, and the postproduction as well, where we applied different colour-grading filters and LUTs to get the vintage feel, which we would describe as warm and cold at the same time..

B D H Hotel & Resort

Hello Everyone,

We have designed this Project for Pokar Architect @ Gandidham, Gujarat-India. This was our first attempt at Corona Renderer in our Production Workflow. The client had Specific Requirement for each and every element of this project we had to model and modify each and every element to suit their requirements.

We had taken huge risk to adopt Corona Renderer straight on live project. We have used Corona 1.3 to render this project and we were facing many challenges during this project specially Limit of Maximum 256 number of Light but Corona’s developer team has guided us really well how to bypass this type of critical problems. Now we have fully integrated Corona renderer in our production workflow.

Thanks to the Render Legion support team.


Fasano Shore Club

I was honored to collaborate again with this beautiful company Watson&Company. It was a great pleasure working for such a great people. Renderings are inspired by crops from a great photographer Sebastian Weiss.

Leading rendering was rendered in 27K resolution and is presented on a huge board in Miami.

Full campaign by Watson&Company is here.

I used my signature, my custom post color mapping to drive colors.
Rendered with beautiful Corona Renderer engine.

Photos of the book and some campaign photos are enclosed. I am Super proud to see my renderings in such a beautiful piece of art by W&Co.

All credits to W&Co for the campaign, thank you.

Apartment Complex “Smolnaya 44”

Our latest 2016 project is apartment complex “Smolnaya 44” visualization. This is a new Moscow residential quarter that is being built in the proximity of Rechnoy Vokzal district. Unlike many other designs for architectural concepts and complexes under development, the images for this project were developed simultaneously with the start of the advertising campaign. That’s why we didn’t have to wait for over half a year and keep the images secret.

We were asked to render the autumn images to show the golden autumn with puddles, the colorful foliage and bright people. It was a great pleasure to work on this style. We filled the visualization with the people under umbrellas and children in rubber boots, the part of the unique and wonderful time when it’s still warm but the trees are already brightly colored. We tried to show the surface and texture of the beautiful clinker bricks, chosen by the developer for coating the buildings, the glass quality and well-planned pavement and landscaping. Due to the form and the finishing of the buildings, the residential complex seamlessly fits into the general picture of the city and its architecture doesn’t stand out from the general “puzzle” but highlights the beauty of the surroundings.