Eco Home In The Mountains

The house itself was taken from one of my past architectural design projects and placed in the beautiful mountains landscape.
The furniture are Tom Dixon and B&B mainly, the car is Moskvich 407 was taken from a free source, was retopologized and materials are created in corona. The pine tree is Mikhalenko made one, and the others are Speedtree generated.

Beautiful Computer Generated Images I. – Giant Simplicity

Beautiful Computer Generated Images is a collection of Seven projects, a collection of seven Manifests, where every piece is an intersection of Technology and Art. It depicts imaginary places, imaginary objects where every element is arranged to create beautiful Composition and where photorealistic simulations are enriched and elevated by Custom color mapping to craft a piece formed by true Art.

Manifests purpose is to show what I truly consider beautiful, what I am passionate about and what I love. Showing passion in CGI, passion in Composition, passion in Simplicity, passion in Light, passion in custom Colors, passion in bending image within a Purpose, passion in adjusting piece with Abstract elements, all elevated by Custom Color Mapping to form something Unseen, something New and very Artistic.

Projects have been developed for eight months, working solely on the projects, between 2016 and 2017 and are periodically released every three weeks. After all seven have been released, there is going to be a book stitching all the pieces together.

Everything is custom made – from scratch – models, materials.
I welcome to watch the first one.

I. Giant Simplicity

Giant Simplicity is an imaginary living space consisting of three spaces where attention is driven by each elements beauty. It depicts Passion in contrast between Giant, yet Simple. Passion in contrast between materials Rose Gold and Marble. Passion in contrast between simple Rectangular shapes and simple Circular shapes. All images make together the whole piece.

The project has been rendered in beautiful Corona rendering engine. Modeling was done in 3Ds Max and sofa in Marvelous Designer, edges deformation with DeformEdges script. Models to download on Behance page. Marble island and bath have both real sub-surface scattering.

Inspiration credits: Chapel Street by Cyarchitects, Menu Design, The Watermark Collection, Jon W. Benedict, Living Divani.

Every image below is as whole crafted using Computer art. It is Imaginary, not Real. Computer Generated Images.

Bare Bones Industrial Revolution Bar | Northern Quarter Manchester

This scene was created with Manchester’s heritage in mind – the once mighty industrial revolution. The aim was to harmonise raw (and usually hard/cold) materials in to today’s 21st century environment, but also ensuring the scene is warm and welcoming.

The bar mainly consists of 4 materials – Concrete, Forged Iron, Galvanised Steel and hardwood – all the materials that we once knew so well!

Well now they can be relived in a trendy stylish bar in Manchester’s creative hub – The Northern Quarter.

Relax, unwind and work in a bar that takes you back to Manchester’s heyday.