
This is a signature image for a competition to create a modern wooden building in the center of Gothenburg. The building will be located in Gothenburg´s first modernist area, Johanneberg. The work with the image was pretty straight forward. The forground and background was photographed during the winter so we had to edit the light and remove a lot of christmas candleholders from the windows. The facades and brick parts were modelled using railclone. The building was rendered using corona with corona sun/sky. Luckily, this entry won the competition.

London Rain

The focus, on this project, was on technical and artistic/aestetic goals, tryng to add emotion to my pictures with some details that can bring the viewer into an alive context.
I love to experiment different camera type, for this project i choose a 6×6 camera with a tilt shift lens (from 100 to 150mm).
This scene (and in general my workflow) is strictly 3d based, i mean, i want to be much more like a virtual photographer than a matte painter, so i do a very subtle and quick post production with camera raw for adjust some contrast and color.