A small office building with a complex brick laying

A low-rise building is the one that has 5 or less floors. Such buildings may not have an elevator. In Europe people have long understood that this type of development is the most environmentally friendly and comfortable for humans, while we in Russia only start drawing attention to it.

The most interesting thing in the construction of a 3D model was its varied and complex brick laying. To create it, we have made each brick separately and have drawn maps of brick-laying to each wall. Thanks to this method, we were able to achieve varying degrees of bricks reflectivity which is very cool!


Storms can be beautiful, especially when knowing that shelter is close in case of a downpour.
An image created by PÁLLA Márk @ZOA.


They say it’s always calm before the storm, well based on this image we can say that’s also true for afterwards.
Inspired by Robbrecht en Daem architecten, and the fresh smell of rain, the peaceful quietness after storm was grasped by Dorka SOMLÓI @ZOA.


This is a personal artwork which I call Faroe. The image was inspired by the photography of Jonathan Gregson.
My intention was to express a sense of immense space and the feeling of being insignificant compared to the extents of the natural world.

For the technical part I wanted to create a fully CG environment with as little post production as possible. In the Forest scattering I used baked procedural maps (Bercon noise, Corona AO and Corona distance) for density and size control.