Hard Rock Hotel – Bar

Interior design visualization of the new Hardrock Hotel’s bar in Budapest, Hungary with an interesting and colourful mixture of folk motifs and industrial style solutions elaborated in detail by the designers.

Rural Kitchen

The project was modelled from scratch except a couple of the plants. Having never used Corona I wanted to experiment with the differences between V-Ray and Corona and this was the result. Lit using a HDR + Corona area light. Post was mostly achieved in the frame buffer with a bit of Arion FX and light Photoshop work.

Hyper Lake

Daily I review that there is again in archdaly, sometimes I would like to replicate many projects in 3d, but I rarely have time, in this occasion I found this project
I loved it, so I decided to model it and place it in a different environment, I fancy something with forest, so I worked with several free models and this is the result