Renovation Project in Paris II

The VisEngine team faced a challenging yet interesting and rewarding task of reconstruction of an apartment in a former hotel. We had to create a modern and practical interior design which would work well with the spirit of an old building where the dwelling is located.

The upside was that the client had fully entrusted us with design and replanning of the apartment.

Our main goal was to create a simple, but in no way boring, interior which would be equally well-suited for everyday life and work and also perfect for parties with friends.

A spacious kitchen-dining room is a perfect solution in our case. Owing to the efficient zoning, there is a place for a fireplace, dining table, coffee table and home theatre.

In addition, space allowed us to make a small home library and due to lots of natural light, it is also a great place to read in. A capacious wardrobe is very well-fitted in the room, it also serves as a dividing wall between the bedroom and the bathroom.

Large windows of the building allow a lot of sunlight through, that’s why we decided to give up on the idea of heavy curtains and used lightweight sheers instead. The white color of the walls and ceiling turned out to be a perfect solution which helped to preserve lightness of the room.

As the whole room is literally filled with light, we were not afraid of using dark pieces of furniture, such as antique wooden parquet and black leather furniture, which enhance the overall style of the interior rather than making it look overloaded.

Library in front in warm-toned wood and brown leather is a perfect place to bury oneself in a good book.

But what really became a staple of our interior is bright accents. We decided to reject the conventional wisdom that power sockets should blend in with the surroundings and be hidden away from sight. On the contrary, we have made them bright yellow — as the rays of the sun. The same shade is used for other accessories in the room – cushions, bed throws, decorative panel etc.

As a result, we have a sophisticated interior — a modern take on a classic design — quite spacious, though not lacking in interesting and eye-catching details that will not fail to draw your attention.

Look into the Passive House

I absolutely enjoyed the whole creation process on this project.

The client was really open minded – so I could present the interior without any restrictions. Client´s company is going to sell passive houses and needs visuals for marketing purposes. I received the 3d model from ArchiCAD and decided recreate it again in 3ds Max (cleaner and better editable geometry…) After creating the concept and finding the right furniture (mostly from Scandinavian companies) and props I can move to set up views.

This was the funniest part because of using Corona renderer 🙂 Finally, I did only subtle postproduction in Arion FX a Photoshop. Images were rendered in resolution 2650×1875 with a time limit of 4 hours on i7 6800K (for every image)

Modern Exterior

Who does not like mornings with hot, aromatic, brewed coffee? This project was carried out while enjoying this moment, tasting the taste and aroma of freshly ground and brewed coffee beans. It is a modern style, materials from which it was built is stone and wood. This is an original connection. The surroundings placed around this architecture in one of the pictures are presented in the morning weather. Sunlight falls on the ground and the window reflects the surroundings. The second weather is rainy. The sky is overcast and there are drops of rain on the glass. Around the architecture there is a lot of free space, this is due to the order to obtain the effect of minimalism.

An Office in the Forest

The design shows the interior of the office, among the forest in the fog. An important advantage of this interior is simplicity, lightness and spatial openness. The only certain thing is change. The combination of sophisticated design and aesthetics gives us a feeling of comfort. What space do we really need to contain our thoughts? Sometimes just a few sheets in a notebook, another time you need an entire folder with files… Meanwhile, fertile minds need even hundreds of cubic meters, in which ideas can move freely without encountering any obstacles. Guided by the proportions, lighting, surroundings, and texture of the landscape, we create compositions that are perfectly fine.
That’s what I was trying to create in this project.

Business center in Switzerland

Typology: public building
Location: Switzerland
Status: exhibition project
Visualization: Omega Render
Completion Time: 2 weeks

One of the most atmospheric works is the exhibition visualization of the business center in Switzerland. The modern building has grown among the towering mountains, shrouded in fog. Our aim was to create an emotional visualization that will not leave anyone indifferent.