
This rendering is one of our in-house work.
These personal renderings offer innovative, original visions that break with conventional projects. They constitute a challenge not only for our artistic curiosity but also for the deepening of our own learning. We are attracted to challenging images and strong stories.

We welcome curiosity!


Interior Design & Styling
by Annabell Kutucu & Michael Schickinger

Architecture by Vana Pernari
Photography by Georg Roske
3Ds max 2018 | Corona renderer 1.7 | Photoshop CC

Our inspiration for create this project was the incredible Casa Cook Rhodes hotel.

The unique atmosphere of this hotel offers scenic views of the mountains, the boundless Aegean landscape combined with a cozy interior space.
The beauty of a rough wood, natural fabrics, handmade macrame – we wanted to show every detail.

A project was done on the photo references by Annabell Kutucu.
Thank you for watching.

Family house LB

Family house LB is a series of our concept – “Live in wood”. LB is sustainable small house designed as an idea of affordable living, or cabins. Simple and beautiful in design, cost effective, and also fast to produce. Overall I was designed and visualized 4 houses for our real estate company in Lithuania. I’m happy to admit that this concept was so successful that was sold out almost immediately after was published.

Loft Bedroom Interior…

I really love loft interiors a lot… so thought of making an interior like that… Few models are free and was downloaded from various sites.. Rest of them I hand modeled it… This was a personal project I did, I came across a similar kind of reference photo in a social networking site which inspired me to make this artwork..
I started with basic box modeling and modeled the room, then windows and book shelves, also the reading lights on the back of the bed wall. Then I used some free asset models from my database for saving time on modeling as my main goal was to play with lightmix of Corona Renderer…
For lighting I used HDRI lighting and the hdri was from, its an amazing site with lots of free hdris of amazing qualities… For shading and material I used basic corona material with respective texture maps like diffuse, reflection, gloss, bump and displacement… I also used a few material from corona material library just to test the material collections that they have, and its really amazing..
Then for the final touch I used played with the lightmix for different light moods, and then used Photoshop for final compositing..


This project was in my head for a long time. It was important for me to find the best lighting and mood. Overall a nice practise for this personal project.

‘Malldova’ office complex

These images are created for office complex in Moldova. Elegant and minimalist office blocks are integrated with the existing shopping mall ‘Malldova’, creating a new public plaza, serving as a focal point for this area.

This was a good excersize of redoing a project according to latest drawings, after it was completed for concept stage, exactly one year ago. I tested and applied new knowledge and experience obtained in one year. Here is how it looked before.