Repro MAD Building

A controversial, highly debated and yet incredibly spectacular project in Oslo, Barcode Project buildings has already become a recognizable landscape. Can’t argue with that – under the neon lights the quarter looks amazing!
This wonderful view reproduced by VisEngine team was inspired by the urban landscape of the old city.


With this project we were able to unleash our creativity. We didn’t have a lot of restrictions from our cliënt in terms of moods we wanted to use or the interior design process. We believe that with this way of working, the 3D-artists can create the best visuals. We are very proud of this project and have put our heart and soul in each and every single visual


With this project we were able to unleash our creativity. We didn’t have a lot of restrictions from our cliënt in terms of moods we wanted to use or the interior design process. We believe that with this way of working, the 3D-artists can create the best visuals. We are very proud of this project and have put our heart and soul in each and every single visual

MH Interior

Continuing of my personal project called MH. Now it`s time for interiors. The whole project is completely my personal design.

More images:

House in Norway

Typology: House
Location: Mo i Rana, Norway
Status: on going
Customer (Architecture): Tanken Arkitektur
Visualization: Omega Render
Schedule of visualization: 1,5 weeks

Residential house in a cozy place Mo i Rana in Norway greatly fits the landscape and the surrounding nature of this place. The combination of wooden panels on the facade with green windows perfectly combine with nature. The peculiarity of this house is the non-standard layout of windows on the facade. For the greater clarity, we showed the house from different angles and during different time of the day