
Revisiting the first Arch viz image I created 5 years ago. This project was a test to see how much I have imporved over the years, the answer is a lot!

life train

life is like a train,and we are moving with our perceptions.
great tools help me to make this render :#3dsmax #coronarenderer #quixelmixer #quixelbridge #substancepainter #photoshop



Sheikh Office

We would like to present the set of images we create for our client from Saudi Arabia. A high-end luxury office space on the 14th floor, with a panoramic breathtaking view of the city.

The project consists of many pieces of furniture by Italian brand Giorgetti. Many of them were modelled in the house.

What is interesting, the view outside is real. Made from actual photographs taken at the site.

Publicspace in Hemnesberget

Typology: Public Space
Status: Realized
Location: Hemnesberget, Northern Norway
Customer (Architecture): Tanken Arkitektur
Visualization: Omega Render
Schedule of visualization: 1.5 weeks

Public space in Hemnesberg – with an open area and a cultural platform for various events. This is one of our most unusual and interesting visualization projects. Here it was important for us to show a creative show that takes place on the stage.
Late twilight is the right time for such a light show. In our opinion, we very precisely managed to convey the atmosphere of this amazing place.