House A

Indoor-Outdoor Connection

The house sits in an open landscape and ensuring an optimum indoor-outdoor connection. A simple facade and massing focuses attention on the house’s relationship with its landscape and opens directly to the street disrupting commonly defined boundaries of public and private space in a suburban street. The site is open. Passers by can, if they chose to, navigate around the house and experience its settings.

Remembering that summer in Madrid

Based on the memories and the feelings I had in my travel to Madrid, my soul was warmed by the sun and the air was full of the aroma of ripe fruit. Starting from the experience of the designer Jaime Hayon and deviated to a completely new concept. For this project, I’ve used 3ds max, Corona Renderer 3.0, Megascans, almost no Photoshop, trying to get the right contrast directly by the render engine.

Sincerely yours,

Mattia Samuele Colangelo.

rotterdam - Working Area

Making of Rotterdam Office

Dive into the process of visualizing an office space with Walk The Room, as they take us through their steps with the making Rotterdam Office.

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Pictures from Corona Land #2 – Night shift

The second chapter of my personal project called “Pictures from Corona Land”. The second attempt to achieve sharp photography approach as fully generated by full CG scenes. Night mood emphasized by volumetric fog. Wide color palette of artificial lights, allow me to simulate pure night photography style and create various scene character and elicit small details from darkness. Again Corona renderer gave me full of creativity freedom and hi quality pictures, even if they were render in low light conditions sampling.

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