
This is Alphadom City Development, a mixed-use complex that blends a stylish contemporary design with the functionality: while the shapes of the building look modern and sculptural providing creative hubs (tech, IT) rather than the typical corporate office building.



Location: München, Deutschland
Design by Riedel-Immobilien
Art Direction: Dmitriy Tereshchuk
Lighting, Post Processing: Alexander Milokostov, Dmitriy Redko Dmitriy Tereshchuk
​​​​​​​3D Modeling: Markiyan Karpiak, Alexander Milokostov, Dmitriy Redko
Soft: 3dsmax, Coronarenderer, Photoshop
May 2018

Making Of Tree House Constantia

The Making Of Tree House Constantia is a first-person narration about one day in a house without any connotations with people living in it, their fantasies and routine. Just architecture and nature.

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