The Devil Is In The Detail

“The Devil Is In The Detail” is my latest animation.
I will try to take you to a special architecture trip through the anamorphic format and all of its lens effects and distortions and also to take you to a higher level on the the amount of details in textures than any other of my previous animations.

Please watch it at 1080p!

Special Thanks to Mary Carmen Simonín and Ricardo Ortiz for their artistic and technical support!

Thank you for watching!

Visit us at:

The Dream House

Hello friends. This is my new project that I considered the foundation of Fishbourne Quay/ The Manser Practice as an initial idea and tried to change around the building according to my own taste and to design it. I reviewed and evaluated many references, and I was impressed by the Villa-Begonia in Greece to build the environment, and decided to have that environment and atmosphere in my work. I used softwares and various tools to create this. The most important software was #3dsmax , #coronarender , #Zbrush , #Megascans , #PhoenixFD ,#Marvelous_designer, #SpeedTree , #forestpack ,#Frost, #Photoshop,…!. The Dream House effect is the result of my endless endeavor at my spare time and I hope you enjoy visiting it.

small kitchen

Hi everyone
It’s my latest personal project, A small kitchen based on a reference image that i find on Pinterest website and i just want to make images in this mood.
I hope you like it.

Carrie Long

Typology: Apartments
Status: Realized
Location: Detroit, USA
Customer (Architecture): Zoyes Creative Studio
Visualization: Omega Render
Schedule of visualization: 1 week

Incredibly stylish and luxurious interior apartments in Detroit. Perfectly completed design in combination with realistic visualization give the result that you see in the pictures.
Special attention in this project is paid to the finishing materials. Marble, wood, metal, textiles – everything is made with precision and brought to the ideal. And of course the special atmosphere of the pictures gives great lighting.