Midnight Strolls in Kyoto

A visualisation of a local Lawson convenience chain in Gion, Kyoto. I was taken away by how the city of Kyoto had preserved their style of Architecture that takes you back to feudal Japan, even the local convenience store which typical sports a big blue banner through their franchise has complied to manipulating their trademark features to an aesthetic that blends with the city. Inspiration for the image came from memories of the winter midnight’s, for a foreigner not accustomed to the cold, I would frequently stop by these convenience shop just for a chance to warm up a little bit before carrying on walking in the cold.

Room #103

Small and stylish apartment in Moscow (Russia)
The original project of that apartment was sooo shitty, so i decided to rework this but with a big bias towards CG so it will looks more….tasty….i don’t know….
anyway i hope you’ll like it )
as always, Hi-Res on behance: https://www.behance.net/dudefromrussia
btw all images from corona vfb (i just added a bit sharp in photoshop)

Room #103

Small and stylish apartment in Moscow (Russia)
The original project of that apartment was sooo shitty, so i decided to rework this but with a big bias towards CG so it will looks more….tasty….i don’t know….
anyway i hope you’ll like it )
as always, Hi-Res on behance: https://www.behance.net/dudefromrussia
btw all images from corona vfb (i just added a bit sharp in photoshop)

the fog

Hi all,
I am here to learn something new …this was an experiment for me that I have to create a foggy Night…I used volume fog on global volume material, also I used one sphere light for moonlight and some interior lights. environment I left blank …..Hope you all will like it……

Angular Home

In-house project inspired by an amazing piece of architecture called “R-Torso-C” that is an angular exposed concrete home located in the heart of Tokyo. Building is designed by Atelier Tekuto.
The goal here was to create 5 images with different materials, atmosphere and ratio, not only to copy original images but to show my own interpretation of the building and the mood.
Hope you will like it.

3D Modeling, Shading, Lighting, Compositing, Postproduction