The Residence

This luxurious residential project was brought to fruition through the high quality of work delivered by Pixarch’s talented team. The details of the project were captured through 3D architectural visualization. 3D architectural visualization allows the user to see each and every aspect of the project. From elegant interiors to beautiful exteriors and the whole environment, 3D architectural visualization captures it all.
In addition, eye-catching visual designs were made that were used in brochures and other marketing collaterals. A remarkable and attractive website was designed that further added to the overall feel of the project. Photorealistic 3D imagery and high quality 2D floor plans were also created according to the client’s specifications.

Piso Vilas Real-Time Arcvhiz Walkthrough

Because I lack in artistic skills, I bought a book called Small & Chic Interiors (showcase’s beautiful apartments designed from different architect’s), as a means to guide me mostly with colors. After finishing the book I found an apartment that I really like, and so I email the designer asking for the 2d drawings which he eventually did, helping me that way tremendously since the 2d drawings are the pillars of each real time arcvhiz project.