Continues Vineyard

Facing the empty land and the surrounding vineyards were the beginning of our work. Because of the project’s location, we have a good view of mountains and surrounding vineyards. We choose linear movement design for visitors; in this way, we can use all the potential of our land and also force the people to go through the different points of the land and experience the new field of view from the beauty of nature and mountains. When visitors arrive, they can use Chinese boats to go to the hurt of the project which is the museum or they can after their long trip, take a little walk and enjoy the vineyards and then go to the museum.
In the list of functional spaces from the project’s brief, we have several public spaces and a private space (hotel) Which were combined with linear motion so that we do not have a straight direction in this way we respect the beliefs of the Chinese people about straight movement.
In China, they use introverted architecture plans, with three sides of the volume and one side of the wall that detached the building from the outside. We followed this form and pattern to shape our building and placed the lake in a way that acts like a Chinese wall that detached our buildings from each other.
To be able to use the maximum angle of view, bridges and ramps were coming to our design and destroyed the uniformity of linear motion. On the other hand, it seems that our structure has grown from the heart of the land, like a grape tree.
After the form is finalized, the vineyards covered our land, roofs, and structure and also didn’t destroy the pattern of vineyards otherwise our building was shaped from the nearby lands. In this concept, we tried to respect the aerial land, culture, and architecture of ancient China from a new perspective. Our goal was to create a wine museum in China that at first look they can understand is a Chinese wine museum.

Star stone factory

The lack of architectural separation for different work activities in Iranian factories is the major reason for the low quality of living spaces for such functions. Our program was to separate main functional spaces with slabs in different levels and create custom architectural Quality for each function.
As an industrial town, Mahmoud Abad didn’t have a good facade system looks and every facade in this area looks at each other. We design a double facade system to save more energy and privacy for Office spaces and also we use brick and concrete blocks to have the same look as other facades.

Objects garden

The purpose of the contest was to recreate the accessibility of the garden to have more path readability for the entrance of the garden.
But are people problems with the garden path readability and entrance or is the program in the garden?
Our solution for this garden is to create a new layer on the existing site to unhide the other land uses. The new layer has formed from architectural elements which have been inspired by Isfahan’s ancient architecture. In these objects will happen many deferent events.
Reviewing the ancient architectural forms and elements, help us to create new architectural forms and objects, also reveal hidden aesthetic features for us. founded objects detached from their previous position, deconstructed, and finally recreated in a new situation. This project is formed from the synthetic of the founded objects and placed in the new context.
After redefining the purpose of the contest and unhide the other land uses, In the proposal of the project, the site has expanded and the problem with the entrance extended to the whole site and garden’s program. In this way, the project has expanded to a new layer in redefining architecture and turning it into objects to be seen.
* Honorable mention in “from the garden city to the garden of the city”​ competition
* Top 10 digital made model in architecture model competition 2021 by Mango Architecture and Archivoice

Baobab Waterfall

The country’s economy has always been in crisis, although less than 20% of the population has access to electricity. And this means more than 75% of the population lives in the poverty and that poverty is the most important factor in the significant increase in crime. More than 50% of prisoners are pre-trial detainees and the population of prisoners increased more than 150% in the last 10 years that means the occupancy level also increase to more than 230%. 
Our team’s solution to the current crisis and turn it into the best economic opportunities in the future, is the continuous production of electricity from serial and large waterfalls such as Niagara Falls, but this time at the ocean. Large deep-waterfalls that surround the prison with a very purposeful approach create another stunning view for the Madagascar island as a point of interest for tourists, and many tourists will be traveling there to see this stunning view.
In this touristic prison, after receiving the necessary training and skills, the prisoners interact directly with the tourists. Each prisoner is responsible for his physical needs and the society, which they achieve by farming on the farms of prison and trading with the community. This process reform and rehabilitate prisoners for a healthy economic life in society. That is the reason for reducing crime in the country.
After a few years and decreasing crime, the prison is expected to become a multi-purpose hotel and tourist hub with waterfalls on the ocean to produce green energy.

Dynamic Facade

The idea of designing this facade, shaped when we realized, in Yousef Abad of Tehran There is a rule for apartments that one face of the stair’s box must be semi-open. In other words, they must locate the stair in the facade, so the stair can be semi-open.
We deleted that face to have an open staircase.
We know the stair is the heart of every apartment but in the last few years because of the elevator is useless. We spot the stair as an open space, in this way it can create a dynamic and active space for people in the apartment. We didn’t want to hide the stair we designed the stair as a main dynamic element in our facade.
To control the shadow and sunlight we designed the second element of our dynamic facade that is rolling sunshades. The people in the apartment can control it for themselves, in this way we have different looking facades at different times of the day.
For the skyline of the street, we designed the roof garden for people in the apartment. even though we can improve the quality of living when we have a roof garden in the apartment.
For the entrance facade, we were inspired by the historical architecture of Iran and our old streets. on those houses, we saw a welcoming area and sitting benches in the entrance so people in the street can sit there and rest or even like old days they can only watch the people in street.