Small Details

This is a small animation I did for TheRookiesco Competitions.

I really like to focus on the small details when I’m doing 3d, but these days the clients want wide images to show the whole space. So this project is going to be about close-ups and details.

Also, I decided to have a little fun with phoenix fd, tyflow, and growfx, so I force myself to learn new skills animating liquids, smokes, plants, and cloth.


Nocturnes & Mirages project is the exploration of various ambience and lighting scenarios with the special focus on situations which seem to be underrepresented in the main stream of architectural visualization.

The early dawn scenes which take inspiration from the paintings of James Abbott McNeill Whistler, William Turner or American Realists. They are to feature no artificial light and create an unobvious scenery intended to stimulate the imagination. They require more attention and might seem unfit for the mediums based on a hectic scrolling through one’s feed but I believe they can shine when built into a more complex visual story.
Vague, blurred, impressionist, dreamy.

The high noon with its tendency of flattening of the form, smoothing of the texture irregularities and – in the absence of shadows – giving the priority to the mosaic of popping colours as well as emphasizing a larger scale geometries.
Also, the sun shimmering amid the dusty clouds and the specular vertigo to contrast the vast emptiness around.
Sharp, buzzing, colourful.

Saima Jinnah Icon by Pixarch

High resolution shots are added to Saima Jinnah Icon’s angular spread by Pixarch’s architectural visualization. Next door to Jinnah International Airport and Malir, this iconic structure is showcased for a larger than life picture through Pixarch’s magnificent virtual reality molds for a multidimensional effect.

The opulent show of the multi-level monument makes it quite attractive for investment. The gradation of spaces with glassy angles is portrayed with all its grandeur. The refined range embodies the 3D festive floor plans plus layouts of atrium, runway corridors, abodes, facilities and parking precincts. Pixarch projects a keen sense of specifications so that each project element is detailed to perfection for a lasting impression.

Rawabi Al Hijazi by Pixarch

Rawabi Al Hijazi unveils a world class community in an evolutionary Saudi set up. The commercial, residential and recreational arenas are depicted with a riveting resolution by Pixarch. The 3D walkthroughs and views have completely transformed the architectural angles to fully functional ones. The award winning frames are brought to life by the leading edge virtuosity of Pixarch.

Pixarch has captured the aerial shots with perfection and zoomed in so that the locations are exact and quite visible. The scintillating community lay outs display posh and pristine scenes which create a desire to live in such a dream locality. The 360 degree visualization extracts the beauty in construction of Rawabi Al Hijazi. The creative camera shots show the vibrant vicinity in its vigor for a life like feel.

King Fahd International Airport by Pixarch

Pixarch truly brings the wow factor in the features of the King Fahd International Airport. The magnanimous and majestic spread, over the acres of the airport, is magnificently captured by the insightful angles. The far stretched outlook and celebration of the festive display of the various passenger points are portrayed in all its grandeur by Pixarch.

King Fahd International Airport’s 3D views magnify the floor plans which depict the detailed length and breadth of the all accessible project splendidly. The geometric designs, immaculate counters, and columns show a sublime effect. The wondrous work is highlighted with the wonder of virtuosity by Pixarch, which has painted this international airport in a panoramic light.