The Studio

The aim of this project was to provide a photo-realistic and natural experience of a photography studio.

The design was based off my love for the classic concrete/timber material palette mixed with large curved structures. I wanted the space to feel isolated which led me to surround by foliage that filled the windows completely. I just wanted to create a space that I would like to visit/have one day.

It originally started off as a project testing marvelous designer objects in UE4, however, I kept adding and adding to it and I thought I’d have a collection of renders from this space. I came across an animation on YouTube where they used the “natural shake” effect on the camera which then inspired me to start beginning the cinematic exploration of “The Studio”.

Darat Al Hada

Located in the capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Darat-Al-Hada was a challenging project by Mizat development which required high quality deliverables. Pixarch Architectural Visualization, with its vast experience and expertise, accepted and completed Darat-al-Hada in stride.
A special feature of this project was that VFX (virtual effects) were used to depict the project. Some of the VFX’s were animated trees, animated cars, day and night transition, and wind actions to give a realistic feel to the project.
In addition, a touch screen interactive presentation was made allowing for captivating interactivity and engagement.
Lastly, Pixarch designed high quality 3D views, 3D architectural walkthroughs, and 3D floor plans for this project. This challenging project came with a tough deadline but Pixarch came through with flying colors and delivered well within time.

Maersk Tower

The “Maersk Tower” is a non-commercial project created in free time over the last year.
Looking for a suitable topic for realization, our attention was drawn to the Maersk Tower building located in Copenhagen.
It is distinguished by its unique architectural form and interesting texture created by façade panels.
It also has exceptionally well-designed landscape elements connecting the building itself with the surrounding terrain.
The unique architectural design has allowed us to find a lot of very attractive frames, which have become the basis for our animation.

From a technical point of view, the main goal of the project was to use the Corona as the main rendering engine and to achieve a quality similar to static visualizations.

In the project we used two lighting options.The first one using the HDR lighting method and the second hybrid model introducing additional Corona Sun.

In the animation we used great music composed by Ian Post and available on

Studio Bluecerigo

This new photographic agency wants to be a place of diffusion and creation as well as a place of life in its own right. For the sake of integrating daily rituals of guarding into complex working hours, a large part of the space is dedicated to the children of promoters and collaborators.
The original space has been completely restructured to create an open and versatile place. The addition of shutters to the openings allows to modulate the natural light, inherent to the photographer’s work, according to a device that is both simple and aesthetic.

Unseen Grace II

A CGI music video tribute to the people that preserve and improve our spaces.
Architecture was not made for them, yet they see its beauty the most.

Part 01 –
Breakdowns –

By Ryan Wai Kin Lam

Story and lyrics with Hana Schonegger
Music with Teresa Tan
Motion graphics with Alberto Vangelista
Crowd simulation by Jon Hudson
Vocals by Kintsuku
Typography by Alexa Kelly
Narration by Molly Gavin

Original score :
Wai Kin – Silent Footfalls