Norwegian Mountain Library

This project was originally designed for an architectural design studio done for architecture school. While a rather simple project, I drew a lot of inspiration off of my time in living in Denmark and time spent in neighboring Scandinavian countries while studying abroad as a student. This library space that is illustrated is just one of the spaces of this residential project, but presented itself as one of the more unique opportunities for representation given its view over the landscape.

The design project had the intention of adaptive reuse when it came to materials and this is something I aimed to further illustrate in this image. Given that the plywood and the objects occupying the room were to be used from the former farm on the site, I tried to give them a look as if they had been restored but still had the character of older and more used materials.

Overall, the lighting proved to be the most important aspect when it came to giving the feeling that this project was in Scandinavia and not another part of the world. I lit the scene with a single HDRI and looked for a very washed out looking and grey looking light that is typical of the bleak and cloudy days in those parts of the world.

This was the first image in the series and I eventually plan on exploring other parts of the project and illustrating those as well.

Office Furniture Showroom

Our client approached us to visualise one of their spaces due to be rented soon. It’s about a space that is meant to be used as an office furniture showroom. Due to limited natural light most accent was put on spotlights to highlight various zones and pieces. Mostly based on IES lights.

Infinity kitchens CGI

On this latest kitchen project we worked closely with the internal marketing and product development teams to create 30+ beautiful, memorable and unique kitchen spaces. From the outset we set about researching the top kitchen design and styling trends from a wide range of manufacturers with the focus firmly placed on high design and eye catching styling.

We also assisted in creating additional material for print, in the form of illustrations and product closeups. When the images were complete, we worked closely with the print design team @ Fabl to proof all the images for uncoated stock.

Hundreds of custom textures and 3D models were built for this project, ranging from photographing huge slabs of granite to simulating cloth tea towels.

Find the fox!

The project is a Multifunctional space located at the entrance gate of Maaloula. The desertic scene shows the lighting effect of the facade in a dark environment. Adding some details on the composition was an important point in order to create a significant scenery, and giving the audience an interesting experience.