rom the architect. The perceived quality of life in buildings should come from the geometry and how that geometry connects to human beings”. It was the initial thought we had when being offered to design a row house in Phu My Hung, a new urban development area in the Southern Saigon. This project could be considered as another attempt to find a contemporary living manner in row house typology. The brief was to get rid of the way of living we used to have in common town house, where the staircase in the center along with the corridor to access spaces covered by four walls which isolate people inside his own world. The client is a nuclear family, consisted of the parents and two kids with the explicit wish to have a home fulfilled with natural elements while being able to improve the spiritual connection between each family member.

Lakeside Home

After a long stint of rather repetitive projects, I decided to start a personal project around my true CGI passion: interior/exterior design. And since I’ve done a lot of interior scenes in the past, I figured it’d be a challenge to go all in on a exterior scene.

I really enjoyed being completely free in my creative decisions, not having to take into account the wishes of a client, the input of a creative director or producer. So I made a scene that few clients are likely to request: a rainy, moody scene with no direct sunlight.

While things went fairly smoothly, I did struggle a bit with getting the lake to look right and to have the ripples from the raindrops feeling more or less natural.


one day when I was watching wonderful poetic photos of Julien Coquentin on his Early Sunday Morning Album I found some photos made me really excited so that I decided to create those places on my own way!