Flekkefjord Visitor Center Concept

The main idea of project images is based on the interaction between futurist technologies add travelling lifestyle. The shape of the building interacts with landscape nature with spectacular views of Norway.
Main building shape has wavy organic form stayed on waterfall retreat, showing in this project how technology and futurism may fit with cliffs and nature with mountain view. It’s a piece of shelter to get hide in and enjoy. Made with FStorm render, matte-painting technics and quixel tools.

De Rondine

Exterior and interior apartment apartment building De Rondine in Amsterfoort.
For the interior and night time Visuals we used 360 foto’s. I’ve also made a VR-tour: http://vr.invite.nl/rondine/tour.html

The Hotel In Carpathian Mountains

A story about two people who met each other couple of hours ago and agreed to meet at the entrance of hotel this evening.

See all pictures here:

I have a lot of more stories for you.