Lake Lugano House

I first came across the Lake Lugano House when I saw the visuals done by James Pickford back in 2012. I had never worked on an exterior scene before so decided to have a crack at it myself.

I found some plan views of the house online and recreated them in AutoCAD to import into 3ds max. Using these and various reference images I was able to model the entire house and surrounding area. I rendered the initial visuals using forest pack and vray and having only worked on it during my lunch breaks it took me a couple of months.

I recently found those visuals when cleaning out my hard drive and decided they needed revisiting. I cleaned up the entire model and mapped everything properly. I added a new lighting setup, recreated all the materials and updated all the forest objects. I was also fortunate enough to find a high res panorama image of Lake Lugano itself which is a massive feature of the final images.

It took me about a month to complete, again working on it during my lunch hour every now and then. The final images were rendered using vray with a fair bit of post in photoshop.


I will not be lazy and will make a brief description of the project.
Since I said, it’s a personal project, done for yourself. On the Internet, I came across an interesting house that inspired me to implement 3D rendering. As a basis, I took the plans and references of this house. The environment is my fantasy, I experimented and achieved the necessary frames of mood and atmosphere.

Thank you

Iconic Mosque

Iconic Mosque

Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Soft: 3dsmax, сoronarenderer, photoshop
Visualization: Terodesign
Date: May 2018


Modern House in Japan – Hiroshima – Node+

Few months ago, I came across to a really nice wooden modern design of a Japanese house near Hiroshima. One thing I really like about Japan’s architecture and design is the simplicity in shapes.
I love the wood as a material and this house is simply full of it. I loved the images as a reference guide at website so I modeled the house by only using one ground floor plane drawing and one
cross section. However the modeling was not tricky at all, and I just had to improvise a bit with the vegetation since I didn’t have enough time to use the speedtree software for bamboo creation that surrounds the house in real life. That way I only used some R&D models and evermotion tree models.


This image was made for the purpose of testing procedural ecosystems.

At the same time I wanted to convey the idea that the strong lines and the dark colors of the brutalist architecture can blend well with the chromatic scale of the typical Mediterranean forest.

The building and the ground were modeled in 3ds MAX; the lawn, the trees and the gravel have been inserted using Forest Pack.

The lighting was done with the use of a high resolution HDRI and sunlight; the lights were filtered with a slight fog effect.

The images were rendered with Corona, the lightmix option to adjust the contrast between HDRI and sunlight was very useful.