3D Rendering For Squash Interior Design Project

Our 3D Artists reflected the style of a bedroom interior which is contemporary and deluxe. They also added squash accent to underline the chic design. The professional touch of designers made it possible to render the interior with mesmerizing twilight outside – a perfect setting that outlines soft LED illumination in the bedroom. The color scheme is elaborately rendered too, featuring a vibrant palette from gold to brown and creamy. 3D images emphasize design atmosphere which immerses the client into a scene where he has a nice sleep on a king sized bed after a busy day.

Want your interior design project to win client’s heart in no time? Contact ArchiCGI and order photorealistic 3D rendering that will bring you a promising contract!

Wet Wood and the Dreamless Slumber

The personal project in which I attempt to evoke the certain impression of an ageing modernist villa as it appears during a rainy morning. It gets some visitors only in the high season and stays left immaculately dead for the rest of the year. One could feel the coldness of the unused fireplace and hear the creaking boards as he roams around the empty rooms. The air is dense and smells of wet wood.