A villa by the sea.

The main idea behind this project was to create a series of images, based on the modeling of a villa in South Crete. The simplicity of the architectural forms along with the desert-like surrounding environment and the close view to the Mediterranean Sea gave me the opportunity to produce a ‘walk’ through the process of fabrication of a realistic still image. This project is actually a complex research of the various elements that constitute our real world, and an attempt to translate these elements into a 3D environment, where the user will be able to feel the sense of mass, space and time. To achieve this, I created an introductory video and eleven [11] realistic images, using a variety of 3d software and plug-ins to create the 3D environment of the project.


An imaginative and creative restoration of the Victoria Theatre in Newcastle (NSW). A concept design that greatly preserves the remarkable heritage and grants flexibility to the original building fabric.

Botanical business center in Thailand

Typology: Business Center
Status: Completed
Location: Thailand
Visualization: Omega Render
Completion time: 2,5 weeks

This is our visualization for the most environmentally friendly business center in the world. This project will contribute to the restoration of species, with plantings following a plan conceived in conjunction with landscape architects. In addition to the regrowing schedule, a woodland nature and a coastal wetland reserve will be create to protect existing species such as the lagoon mangroves. These reserves will also become a landmark for visitors. The residential buildings will be connected by an elevated platform containing amenities for sport and leisure and wrapped in a perforated facade that will allow natural light to penetrate into the spaces. By raising the podium nine meters above the ground, local wildlife will be able to move across the site freely, while workers will be able to enjoy views of tree tops and the coast. Four different office space typologies, each with their own private balcony, will provide workers with a range of living options and views to the Thailand