
This was all made in 3ds max from scratch (apart from vegetation). I’m currently in the process of developing 3ds max modelling and corona rendering skills and building up my portfolio ready for next year.

This image is all about exploring energy systems. I wanted to convey their giant imposing nature, but also they’re oddly futuristic yet industrial vibe. I used cinematography from blade runner and a lot of real world photography as references for this, I wanted the image to be at home both in the present day, but also straight out of a post apocalyptic future universe, I think it works, do you?

Gare Montparnasse, Railway Station in 1852

A bit of History

This is the second Montparnasse railway station replacing the first one built in 1840 (then called embarcadère du Maine) just outside the Paris’ walls. This station has been built between 1848-1852 and was known first as “gare de l’Ouest rive Gauche” (St Lazare was the “gare de l’ouest rive droite” before to be named gare Montparnasse.[2]
The station architects were Victor Lenoir and Alphonse Baude (chief Engineer at the Compagnie de l’ouest). the hall (and iron floors) is from Eugene Flachat, The ornamental statues on the clock are from Hubert Lavigne and are supposed to represent the “industry” and the “agriculture”.