
Non-commercial project. As for the architectural part: the task was to combine the old barn in the field with the new attached architecture, thereby making it a comfortable home for modern people. As for the artistic component: the main task was to convey different moods, inspired by memories from childhood.

Carbon Black Shaker Kitchen

Here’s some more of the gorgeous contemporary kitchen CGI we’ve created whilst remote working. The cabinet selection and kitchen plan was provided by our client and their choice of carbon black doors alongside oak and complimenting gold accessories really keeps the design looking stylish and on-trend.

The 3D production, interior styling and additional prop modelling was completed by by our in-house team. We used 3DSMax and rendered using Corona renderer. Colour accuracy adjustments and tweaks in Adobe Photoshop and Fusion Studio 16.

More of our kitchen renders >

Maersk Tower

The “Maersk Tower” is a non-commercial project created in free time over the last year.
Looking for a suitable topic for realization, our attention was drawn to the Maersk Tower building located in Copenhagen.
It is distinguished by its unique architectural form and interesting texture created by façade panels.
It also has exceptionally well-designed landscape elements connecting the building itself with the surrounding terrain.
The unique architectural design has allowed us to find a lot of very attractive frames, which have become the basis for our animation.

From a technical point of view, the main goal of the project was to use the Corona as the main rendering engine and to achieve a quality similar to static visualizations.

In the project we used two lighting options.The first one using the HDR lighting method and the second hybrid model introducing additional Corona Sun.

In the animation we used great music composed by Ian Post and available on