
Projects: DDlivingroom
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
Square: 64 sq.m
Interiors designer: Sergey Klochkov/Kirill Gordeyev
architectural visualizer: Kirill Gordeyev
more – https://www.behance.net/gallery/71311465/DDlivingroom

Bedroom from a beautiful home

Square: 35 sq.m
architectural visualizer: Kirill Gordeye
more – https://www.behance.net/gallery/81054833/Bedroom-from-a-beautiful-home

dark interior

recently I try to design dark interior with the sense of cliffs and this is what I achieved using 3dsmax and Vray5 .
I’m trying to get close to pro levels but this is long road,
hope you like it

Daring Leap

‘Daring Leap’
The Fall_Design and Illustrated by Duy Phan

What does it take to jump out a diving bridge for the first time? Life is not that long to wait until the perfect moment. It all needs the courage to accept the risk sometimes.

Thriving for the better requires thinking and doing differently every day. It will take you pain with some failures first, but the gain is exclusive for those who dare to take the leap.

The crowd is way enough of stand-still feet, so jump out and speak up, keep motivating and renovating.

Farnsworth House

more – https://www.behance.net/gallery/91744489/Farnsworth-House
Farnsworth House is a building in Illinois, designed by the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.