Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-12804235

I started to read about the creators of the building, the architects, what was their idea about it and surround it, and i remenbered the time when i was still student in architecture, my professor was always insisting about the connexion between the exterior and the interior of any construction, in urban area or not.
And because of my first impression about this one, about the empty space surrounding it, i started to do some research to find the best way to complement what was in my opinion missing.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-14010451

What makes us very good at doing something ? there are many reasons like : having good teachers , parents , friends , having time , trying a lot , but the most important part is to have
a strong passion if you are passionate you will learn anything you want , you will be what you want , that’s how I thought when I’ve seen this project , I was an architectural student
and I wasn’t good at anything but I was passionate , and at the end my graduation project was chosen as the best one of this year , just because I was passionate ( the same )

the shot is after a school day , the architectural students are working and the instructor is going home , this is my story when I was a student , all of that was happening everyday .

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-51567352

Here is my final submission, its been fun, had a bunch of other deadlines while working on the tmrw-one so in retrospect I would have like more time to give the rockface some more love in mudbox, and some more work into the corten-material. Also the seagulls are a tad big, so lets just pretend they are albatrosses!:) Until next time!

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-36709392

I tried to represent the Tham & Videgard’s School of Architecture at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on a rainy day, when the storm is over and the sun is coming out, in order to improve my skills. I took advantage of the Challenge to try to do something that I had never done before, such as the corten material and the wet floor; also the general mood of the scene was something new in my experience. I found really useful to have a 3D model, but I also found interesting trying to improve the final result by modifying the same model, in order to make the image appear more similar to the reality; so I put in the scene objects and interior furnishings, looking at the pictures of the project. Every detail contributes to make the image appear more interesting and more similar to a real life situation.
In my opinion the most difficult part of the assignment was to reproduce the corten, so I did a quite simple material before rendering the image, and then I worked on it in post-production, in order to be quicker and more flexible in changes.
Also the reflection of the floor was not easy to do, because there was the risk to make it appear fake, but at the end I’m quite satisfied with the result, having a freelancer library and not so much experience.