Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-21188106

When I saw the project for the first time, I thought it would be interesting to enhance the plasticism and the building material.
Having respect for the place where it fits, I tried not to denaturalize it, so I maintained a philological approach and I left the original materials to be as natural as possible.
My initial thought was to visualize the scene during a day with a slightly cloudy sun and whitish hues.
Given this, I started looking for good references that would allow me to build the concept through mood and color palette.
But being at the beginning of the creative process, I wanted to try other forms of lighting to see what kind of sensations aroused in me.
In the end, however, I returned to my initial idea because the type of light I wanted to get me would have allowed me to enhance the red color of the materials present.
The lack of sunlight, the harsh climatic conditions are characteristic elements of northern Europe. I tried to imitate these elements in a simple way.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-16657631

While working on this project as i mansion above, i maintain the prestige of architectural field, i focus on small details like in interior of the building i purposely gave library. and if we come back to the work process i used HD Lighting in this as well as textures, yes textures played very big role, some of camera tricks help like dof.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-10352988

I focused on tweaking the lighting (ambient and artificial) to get closer to the mood I’m looking for, besides having warm lights I decided to add some extra colors as complementary lights to shake up things a bit (I’m a fan of cyberpunk, purple lights!) and I’m pleased with the results. Also I invested more time on the shaders and added some ponds.

Next step was to finish the rusted metal plates starting by creating each individual plate from the existing model with the gaps in between them, then I added some thickness and a turbosmooth modifier. The reason for all this was to have a bit of randomness in the plates textures and not doing a single massive texture.

Also I kept tweaking and moving things inside the school to make it more “alike” the real thing, after this it was all about adding more elements like lamps, bookshelves, streetlamps.

This will be my last update, I’ll push myself to show a final render next time. Best of lucks to all!