Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-17465587
Final render without postproduction
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My concept depends on making the architecture school and the surrounding area a visual focus point in the image, by gradient light while eyes follow the brightness.
The composition and the other image components will be used as a helpers to achieve that.
i always use arnold in maya for automotive and vray and corona for architectural projects but this time i want to try a gpu based engine with my new 1080.
i tried to render with redshift and fstorm and finally i decided to render this scene with fstorm.
here is raw render without any post.
ps: i had to decrese the quality because of 1 mg limitation.
This is my final image after post production. I am really tired, all in all it was a work done in 4 nights + 1 night of analyzing and thinking in late december.
The only thing my image is now showing is the entire shape of the building, but it shows all aspects and the character of the project: facade, window frames, interior life, tight streets surrounding and atmosphere, and also hints the curvilinear circular shape. Lighting is pretty much dawn, if you analyze the picture it’s like from the lower to the upper part it shows night to day, since the lower part is in shadow from the surrounding buildings and the upper still gets the last bit of sun. Also the lower part is the only one which can show the interior so I choose to make it with light inside. My concept was to show the facade material and frames, playing with the frames, some illuminated more than others and some darker but with more reflections etc. Now it’s time to prepare the final documents.
Here are some early draft renderings with basic shader and lighting. Those shots helped me to consider strenghts and weaknesses of multiple compositions.
The main idea was to expose corten steel panels and the curvature of the corners and elevations. I’m going to show the steel elevation in different lighting conditions and contrast warm orange elements lit by the sun with the cold surrounding after rain.
I have explored nearly twenty camera angles as potential compositions. Despite the shot from underground atrium was very attractive it allows showing only part or rear corner. Other shots from the land steps give very interesting first plane – lowering steps and low wall but the building, the main character looks too small. It’s the reason why I chose the camera angle from the front.