A new and exciting challenge is about to begin! Tomorrow is back for the 4th time and looking for their next star.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by 3dNinja

So at long last I finished designing and modeling eight buildings for the west side of Hudson Yards. For the most part each building is a completely unique design, but I did draw on some existing buildings for inspiration on a couple of them. I spent a lot of time looking at modern skyscrapers! I wanted to elevate the neighborhood while maintaining a transportation hub underneath it. To do this, I imagined the buildings being built on top of a plaza. Not only would this elevate the neighborhood from the street level hustle and bustle, it allows room for two levels of parking over the subway depot. I’m also adding access points to underneath the parking deck to provide easy access to the subway line from the neighborhood. A large gently sloping ramp on either side of the neighborhood provides easy access for everybody to the plaza level. There is also stair access via a set of stairs designed to emulate the look of The Vessel. I’ve also put in large elevators to access the plaza from the street level. I wanted to make sure that the neighborhood was easily accessible by all, because I don’t want it to feel like it’s cut off from the rest of Manhattan, but rather a separate new and vibrant neighborhood.

Now let’s talk concepts for the plaza neighborhood itself! The first thing that inspired me was Tomorrow’s statement that Hudson Yards “is where the latest, highest, and most interesting architecture is being built.” I loved this idea and knew that I needed to come up with some cool, tall buildings! I also wanted to be respectful to the existing designs on the east side of Hudson Yards. As such, I intentionally made sure none of my buildings were taller than 30 Hudson Yards. Furthermore, only one of my designs is taller than 10 Hudson Yards, which would make it only the 5th tallest building among the officially designed buildings so far. I also tried to echo some of the design concepts of the existing buildings. I used largely glass facades and played with geometric shapes and stepped profiles to pay homage to the current designs. I also tried to make my buildings distinct at the same time, specifically by playing with framing the glass facades. I’m particularly happy with the building with the staggered vertical paneling. With everybody shut away right now, especially in NYC,the other thing really important to me is making this project feel alive and warm. I’m making the plaza as large and open as possible. I basically want these buildings to reside in a large park designed for interaction. There will be meandering paths, volleyball courts, picnic areas and more to really give people a place to congregate.

At this point in the project, I’m beginning to focus on camera angles and lighting which is much easier now that I know the scope and layout of the neighborhood. I’ll use these camera angles to come up with a narrative for the images.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Roman Huzar

Hey everybody,

I want to share my first color drafts with you.

In the first picture, I decided to add a walking area (like a park) on top of the hyperloop.

In the second picture I changed the composition a little bit. In this picture I want to get a beautiful effect of light and rays passing through the vessel.

In the third picture I lacked movement and the foreground was empty, I decided to add a few people.

As I wrote earlier to collect the scene, I used @ForestPack and @RailClone. I used @3dsmax and @CoronaRenderer for rendering.

I’d welcome any criticism or advice from you 🙂

Thank you.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Duy Phan

The ARM Work in process – May 6th

Hi guys,

It has been a while since the last update for this proposal. I hope you are all doing great and be safe the whole time!

From the last post, I simplified the design for the ARM concept. Founding it would be much stronger in terms of illustrating the linking characteristic yet also less interruptive with the surrounding design languages.

Going through multiple experiments and camera angle tests, I ended up with this one for the first in three final images. Looking down from the top of 30 Hudson Yards tower, vividly highlighting the ARM spanning from one to another building along with exposing user activities within, which I am working out until the final. Besides, There are various building structures and context details I have to add in the weeks to come.

At the moment, I am trying to use different colour schemes for this frame. Attached with the update you will see two of them, I am still very much on the fence so far so please let me know which one would you prefer?

It would be much welcome to hear your opinion about anything!
Thank you for reading and catch you guys soon with another update.

Best Regards,
Duy Phan

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by flow

Hi everybody,
here’s two work in progress images:
– the building site scene: this is the image before adding people and adding the last color grading pass (I manage post directly in corona and I did just a little bit of camera raw filter in PS). I modeled as much as possible in 3d so I don’t have to spend so much time in post.
– the underwater scene: this is the base of the third scene I started to model (is WIP). It shows the lower part of the vessel and the base of the shard with its typichal basements (which will have already been de-constructed in the building site phase). Instead of working directly in corona with motion blur I preferred working with render passes and adjust it in PS to have much control of the part I want in focus (I have to manage both motion blur and volumetric material). I would like to insert fishes and maybe a crab as 3d model (I would like to model them) and maybe also 3d people to have more control of colours and shading.
Hope you like it, comments and suggestions are always appreciated.


The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Denis Khotin


This is the first step.

I think the most likely scenario for the development of this area is the development on the basis of the existing plan. Hudson Yards should look like a single architectural ensemble.
I’m not sure that something grand will be done. The virus and the global crisis will greatly affect the implementation of ambitious projects. Therefore, I set myself the following tasks:
– All skyscrapers should make up a single architectural composition.
– Beautiful views from the Vessel will no longer be available after construction. Therefore, in order to increase the value of real estate, the highway park must be extended and expanded towards the Hudson River. I think this is the most likely scenario.
– the question remains only what kind of skyscrapers will be…

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Jakub Sokólski

„We make […] in orchards and gardens, trees and flowers to come earlier or later than their seasons; and to come up and bear more speedily than by their natural course they do. We make them also by art greater much than their nature; and their fruit greater and sweeter and of differing taste, smell, colour and figure, from their nature. […] We have also means to make divers plants rise by mixtures of earths without seeds; and likewise to make one tree or plant turn into another.”
Francis Bacon, New Atlantis, 1623

Hello to all participants,

My main goal when creating images of NYC of 2040 is to create attractive and imagination arousing vision.
At the same time I asked myself: ‘what can I offer to people from the future to make their lives better, considering the fact that man is moving further away from the nature he comes from, being in conflict with her, occupying larger and larger areas for development and arable fields. Currently, cultivated fields occupy an area the size of South America. Food is often transported to consumers from thousands of kilometers away, generating large amounts of CO2.

What is the solution to make life of citizens better and reduce the ecological footprint of human activity?
The answer can be network of vertical farms that refers to the concept of agrourbanism (including the Garden City of Ebenezer Howard), whose main postulate was to bring together the natural and urban environment in order to create an eco-city. The project assumes creating a network of farms producing food on the existing urban green areas as well as degraded.
Designed production facilities are the basic source of supply of agricultural products. We already know the most important technologies for the success of this vision. We know the hydroponic and aeroponic method needed to grow plants in multi-storey structures. According to estimates, one unit of internal surface supported by appropriate technologies is able to produce as much food as 10-20 outdoor units cultivated in a traditional way. In addition to economic and pro-environmental functions, agritecture is an undeniable social value. Public gardens will encourage the creation of local communities with strong ties. Positive reorganization of social life will help to unlock the potential of the inhabitants. The level of education will increase, and consumers will turn into co-creators.

I wanted my buildings to stand out in the city panorama. I think I achieved it 😉 Here are some view proposals. Still trying to choose best 3 of them.