A new and exciting challenge is about to begin! Tomorrow is back for the 3rd time and looking for their next star. The best submission will be awarded 1000 Euro cash prize and a well-paid full-time position at Tomorrow with benefits such as social welfare, exercise bonus, field-trips and most of all become a proud Tomorrow team member.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Ann Kuleshova

In search of an idea, I went to the pinterest. There I created a board where I added everything that I thought was interesting. Of course, I collected information for the library’s interior. As for the exterior, here I was clear – I want to make a drama, a strong cloudy sky hanging over the library, this mood is well shown in the first image in my mood board. As for the interior – I want to emphasize the geometry of the building, using simple materials, concrete, wood, metal. I also want to use the domed space and make a wow effect similar to the reference with Marilyn Monroe.
I attached screenshot of my board from the pinterest and the stage of creating a mood board.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Ann Kuleshova

This is my first challenge, in which I participate as a 3D visualizer and the first exterior work with a public building. For me, this is a big challenge and an interesting project with a story.

My first step was to study the object. I searched for information on the Internet, studied the history of the building and its environment. Below is a selection of photos that I chose to work. I also opened Google maps, walked through the locations, looked at the environment and the interior of the library.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Tunahan Karaman

As an interior designer who works almost always with interiors, it was kind of difficult for me to find a concept that works due to different parameters that come in play like; how weather can change the perception of architecture or how to tell its relation with the environment while maintaining artistic aspect, etc.

After some thinking and research as I still continue modeling for props, I’ve finally decided on a simple, storyboard-like set of renders.

It starts with a scene from the park; it’s early in the morning, the weather is rainy and foggy, you see someone heading to library. The pool, rain puddles and wet pavement reflecting the building, adding many layers of complexity to the image. I also like the main road is still in the composition,

Second scene takes place at the intersection of the street and the main entrance. You see the same character again. I thought a neoclassical, symmetrical building needed a symmetrical shot and I placed it on the low angle.

The story ends in the main hall, again, very similar to the previous scene I used a symmetrical composition. But i have to confess I’m still unsure about this one. The problem is this kind of angle adds impact to general atmosphere but lacks details you would get with an angled shot including closer objects. There are some later-added furnishings in the center which, in my opinion, kills the mood. So i decided to remove them and put something else instead.

I presume the most time-consuming element of this project will be texturing and shading. I’ve been testing and planning to use Substance Painter/Designer for this purpose. There might be fair amount of particle simulation and sculpting involved. I don’t like to add people and stuff in post-production so human characters will be made in 3ds max too, but in a long shutter type of way, like many architectural photographers do.

That’s all for now.
Happy New Year ! See you in WIPs.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by kisan goswami

Hello There,
Feels Great to join this Challenges By TMRW And Thanks RB for this Platform.

So here i would to share all the details of my workflow which is comes from my experience and whatever i am gonna learn from this Challenge.for the Beginning
i have collected some sets of reference images which is covered Lighting,shading & Composition.So i try my best to achieve Final Images according that and final camera angles.

All the best all participant 😉