A new and exciting challenge is about to begin! Tomorrow is back for the 3rd time and looking for their next star. The best submission will be awarded 1000 Euro cash prize and a well-paid full-time position at Tomorrow with benefits such as social welfare, exercise bonus, field-trips and most of all become a proud Tomorrow team member.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Uxía Baños

Hi again! Here’s an upload of how the interior scene is looking. Now that the project has progressed I want to focus every piece of my submission to have and introspective, kinda thoughtful mood, using the light themes to unify the three images. In this one, I wanted to focus the attetion in the inbetween space: the transition that leads you to the main space, the egypcian kind of entrance that was so important for Asplund, and what lies beyond it.
This image required basically a strong work with textures, a task which I love, and some minor modelling details for the masonry.

I’m very satisfied with this one, so there will only be minor changes before postprocessing.

Two more images to go!