A new and exciting challenge is about to begin! Tomorrow is back for the 3rd time and looking for their next star. The best submission will be awarded 1000 Euro cash prize and a well-paid full-time position at Tomorrow with benefits such as social welfare, exercise bonus, field-trips and most of all become a proud Tomorrow team member.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Adam Siuchninski

It’s been over a month since the Contest starts…. so I need to stop chillin and I should get down to work.
I had a little problem with modeling the dome walls. but I found an interesting workflow to do it. I didn’t use vray/corona displacement mod, I didn’t model it by hand and I didn’t use external software or plugin…. I made it by really oldschool technique: it’s classic mesh displacer with standard procedural tiles map on the slot.
My first preview render is pretty close to the original photo… but…. I’m not satysfied with the light. I think it’s a little bit boring.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by 3dNinja

I’ve finally got everything in place to render my images now. I’m attaching viewports of my camera angles, but unfortunately since I’m working on a pretty outdated machine, I’m not able to show all the vegetation and books etc that show how much work I’ve put into this! I’ve had to work the whole time with no displayed textures, high poly objects displayed as boxes, etc… I’m excited to hit render and see the results!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by bobrov.jpg

Exterior image.
50mm lens. Sunset.
The orange color of the building refers to the image of the fire. I would like to emphasize the round shape of the upper part by sliding low sun.
Philip-Lorca diCorcia as style reference. Gregory Crewdson as story reference.

Interior image
24mm or 35mm lens.
I would like to show library as a place where stories from books come alive. And one of the most exciting stories for me is the story of Harry Potter (maybe I will go for LOTR in future because Peter Jackson is extremely cool guy which inspires me a lot)

Additional image
50mm lens. Reflection in a puddle. Sunset.
Robert Frank as a story reference.