AXYZ Design Mini Challenge

Crowded Challenge entry by Szymon Biegaj

It was great pleasure to take part in this challange and show to you probably most complicated scene i’ve ever created. During this competition i’ve found Anima to be extremly useful and easy to use tool.
In my daily work i make big aerial scenes very often and it requires a lot of time and effort to populate it. This particular scene contains about 5 thosand people in it, and Anima made whole process very simple and fun.

Crowded Challenge entry by Ray Olivares

This was originally done for the salon on the second for but I figured since I had access to the plans and elevations, i figured why not backup and do a section of the main concourse and train platform below. The trickiest part was getting the lower level correct since I didn’t have any drawings for that area. I had to go with a lot of photos and guesswork!