CABINS entry by amores
just playing
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Listen Now! Subscribe on iTunesOut with the old and in with the new! In Converted, I’m asking you to take an in-depth look at existing architecture near you or one you love worldwide and introduce something new.
See Entries & Join! About ConvertedThe 7th Architectural Visualization Challenge I’m running in partnership with Quixel as the marquee sponsor. The book CABINS by Philip Jodidio and the fantastic illustrations by Marie-Laure Cruschi served as the principal inspiration for this year’s challenge theme. That, and my love for prefab architecture design.
just playing
Spent the afternoon modelling up a container and used that to build up a pod/cabin that could be used by people coming down to a safari reserve maybe? Who knows? The location is yet to be decided and this is an early stab at building the prefab pod to be scattered around to form a cluster/community within this … thing. (i’m pretty sure it’ll become clearer to us all as I progress further)
Showing how 2 pieces of A frame can form new concept shape.
Cabin is located in forest and with cozy and nature feeling mood. Moving to cg part. I was choose Fstorm render as main as I wan’t to look final images as much possible as photos. More to come at milestones…
Inspired by the African community huts, I’d want to envision how a 2018 version of these communities would look using minimal & sustainable materials/techniques, yet retaining that cultural African community vibe. Keywords would be tents, shipping containers, stilts, bamboo, thatch, and so on. Building traditions from prehistoric times survive in the shadow of high-rise structures. Traditional African architecture is
generally studied for its anthropological content and to
study it from a contemporary perspective is exceptional
Cabina al borde del río en zona montañosa