CABINS entry by whisper
cabin with more of glass walls
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Listen Now! Subscribe on iTunesOut with the old and in with the new! In Converted, I’m asking you to take an in-depth look at existing architecture near you or one you love worldwide and introduce something new.
See Entries & Join! About ConvertedThe 7th Architectural Visualization Challenge I’m running in partnership with Quixel as the marquee sponsor. The book CABINS by Philip Jodidio and the fantastic illustrations by Marie-Laure Cruschi served as the principal inspiration for this year’s challenge theme. That, and my love for prefab architecture design.
cabin with more of glass walls
The basic idea is to create an image where there’s a clear contrast between the human’s and the nature’s craft.
I’ll build a concrete home cabin, covered by brass plates giving the illusion of a gold plated box just posed in the woods. I will decide in the final stages the aging of the brass. For the interiors I’ll use few basic materials, probably raw concrete walls, wood planks for the floors, stone and shinny metals for the furnishing.
I’ll use Maya to modell the entire scene, Quixel Suite (ddo) for texturing, Megascans assets and Arnold for the final render.
I did some sketches (I’m not a very good hand painter) to have a basic layout. I also did some grass render tests using megascans.
I set the parts of the fish in maya, later I exported to rhino to my scene…
CABINS / MAL / Blue Vertigo
the cabin design with a forest background, waterfalls and cliff
on this stage-still trying to adjust the environment and settings