The design shows the future possibilities in which future innovations have been used in such a way that it benefits the people and binds communities together creating a pedestrian-friendly, transit-oriented mixed-use design which will transform the place in the coming future.

I hope you like my Images.
Thank you for this competition!

All the best to everyone.
Thank you!

Notable Replies

  1. Flow says:

    Hi mate. I think that your first image is very powerful. Great colours and composition.
    Well done.

  2. shubhamsharmarchviz says:

    Hi Mate, Thanks for the appreciation.
    M glad you liked it.

    I must say you have made a very strong statement with your image. That Image is done so well under the water effect.
    I love that Image :slight_smile:
    Great Job !

  3. martin_darzacq says:

    Really cool mood! I love the color scheme too!

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