CABINS entry by QpixL

The concept behind the images is of an island somewhere up north in the middle of nowhere where a small micro-climate has formed giving life to a unique flower which blossoms only at night.

CABINS entry by Mario Mendieta

With nature as a backdrop and a spart, yet funcional cabin layout, this scenic composition epitomizes the essence of the outdoor living experience at its best. Through a careful material curation, that strives for textures as well as colors, in order to age harmoniously with it’s surroundings. In time, the rust, mosses, ferns, along with the layered patina create a cohesiveness that makes the man made structures belong. As trees envelops the inmmediate vicinity, the scenery convey an air of serene tranquility that speaks to the cathartic longing for solitude. That yearning to extricate ourselves from the hectic modern living and revert to our roots in nature as the only means to find our true selves.

CABINS entry by richst_za

Here is my final entry. Possibly the most challenging project I’ve worked on, but worth every bit as it was a great learning experience.

I rendered everything with Redshift and all the models and foliage were created from the ground up using Megascans assets.

A huge thanks to Ronen for organizing this as well as to the sponsors for bringing the community together for the challenge.

Here’s the link to the main submission:

Here are the Yulio renders: