Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by peter hofstetter

I am testing different views. As the floorplan of the building is square i will go with a square format for my renderings. The first view will showcase the stairs to the main entrance. Completely symmetric as the entire building is. I am going for an autumn mood in the early morning after a rainy night.
For the second camera position i want to play a little bit with the reflections of the water basin in front of the building. The mood should be sunset. Maybe blue hour shot. Still thinking about a winter scene but not quite sure now.
The interior shot will be a from the inside out through the main entrance facing the sun. I want to see if I can recreate the materials I found at my reference pictures. This image will be all about mood.
All in all I have to say that I am not sure if I will finde the time to finish the challange over christmas and my dayjob but I am gonna use this to test some things and to have fun.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Jeremy Gamelin

I am mainly looking to create an interesting contrast between the cold shades of the blue winter and the warm orange of the building.

I would like to create a happy atmosphere on a playing field at the foot of the imposing building. This will create a striking contrast between the huge fixed structure and the small, light silhouettes moving on the ice rink.

My main challenge will be to create a realistic and stylized ice shader.

Let’s go !

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Victor Ferland

Hi all!

Started by gathering as many varied, high-resolution photo references for both the interior and exterior of the Library. The 3D model provided needs quite a bit of work, so this extensive research will help a lot with recreating all the small details and realistic finishes. I really want to get to know this piece of architecture. Gathering as much documentation on this building and its history as I can is worth my time, just to take in the feel and richness of the place.

For the mood, I’m going for an early morning, calm city mood. Not too crowded, beautyful natural light, a quiet peaceful feel. Not quite sure which camera angles I’m going to choose yet, but I started experimenting with a few points of view I thought were interesting. The project will be worked in 3ds Max, and I plan to render it using Vray. More to come soon!