Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Shannon M.

I mostly model in Sketchup, so finding a file conversion that would smoothly integrate from the 3DSMax format into Sketchup took some work. Since the library sits on a busy streetcorner, the temptation will be to render the building from the reflecting pool and small park to the south of the building. That is the most common view in most photographs of the building, as the building sits high above the street, which is populated with restaurants and makes for a difficult view of the building itself.
However, I imagine that most submissions will be this same shot over and over again, so my desire is to find an angle of the building that is different while portraying the exterior in the best light possible.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by 3dNinja

I wanted to not only represent the library, but also to really emphasize the intent behind the design. I didn’t know very much about Gunnar Asplund or the Nordic Classicism movement, so I got a notepad and began to research them. I believe this will help me to create an image that will really do justice to the architect, his work, and the style of architecture. I also began to find some inspiration images, as I plan to make this project a true triptych with three images that come together to form a story. As such, I wanted to find three distinct types of atmosphere that I can put together to form a comprehensive work of art. These are the images that I’m posting for this entry.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by wu xueke

This is my concept for the competition.

After back and forth consideration, At the end I have chosen three traditional but classical perspective view angles (from park look toward to library, Main Entrance, Looking up by standing near staircase of interior view)

1, Exterior Image
I will render it as an overcast and cold evening after snowing, The sky is not too dark, the ground is covered by snow, a pond skimmed with ice at the foreground. Freeze snow with warm tone light to create quiet and harmony atmosphere. Not too much activities but maybe just few kids skating and snowball fighting. The main purpose of this image is too show the library and its related surrounding.

2, Interior image and An image of your liking
I would like to show the exterior and interior details of the library, I will select either winter scene or autumn scene for the exterior view, have not decided yet by now. It will be culture atmosphere for the interior view by using looking up perspective to express human desire for knowledge. We will see a lot of partial details from those two views by using refined material and texture.

Of course, To achieve all those that required a detailed model, so the modeling workload is huge, I have started refining the model. Keep Going!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Uxía Baños

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay, here is my first entry.

My first step is always gathering as much reference as I can. I was also interested in seeing some historial photos of the library, since this challenge’s protagonist is and architectural classic.

Once I’ve studied the building, I always make a mental map of the different pros and cons that I can find, and the strong points that I want to portray. This is my way to discard ideas and sumarize all that I’ve learned in the previous step.

After that comes the concepting, testing ideas. I find it useful to work in 2D to work with the color palette and composition, since once you start in the 3D software is just too easy to get caught up in little details which will not add in the end to the final image. You have to prioritize what matters and what doesn’t. Some of this ideas I’m showing are already discarded, but they are part of my process nonetheless.

Finally, setting on some perspectives and light moods, and start to build up the scene from there. I think I have already a clear understanding of where this is going, and I hope to explain more in future posts.

Provided that the final project will have three different images, I think it would be interesting that they shared a mood or story, so it’s something that I’m going to continue to work on. Nothing is set in stone at this stage, so it’s important to experiment before finally commiting to be completely sure! The main goal of this challenge for me is to learn as much as I can, and to have fun as well!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by EduardoQ

Hi there,
As soon as I discovered what the object of this challenge would be I started researching to get to know it more in depth and there were a few characteristics that really stood out to me right away. First, it was the lighting, the reasoning behind the rotunda, materials, height, etc. Second, it was the way it is sometimes described as a temple of knowledge. Therefore, I decided to play with these characteristics, the clever solution to illuminate the building and the idea of the library as a temple, a temple of enlightenment.
After having decided on the conceptual approach I started looking for references that could be applied to this project and to think about the best composition and lighting. I’ve decided to go with high sun and hard shadows on the exterior image to give it more depth and a better perception of the building geometry. The interior image will be symmetrical looking to the entrance and stairs but I still haven’t decided on the lighting, I like the way the sun shines on the shelves and on the floor in some parts of year but maybe a more diffuse light will better represent the lighting all around the year and better fit the idea of the ceiling and white walls as a sky. I’ll have it decided and more developed for the next update. The third image will be more intimate, with a viewer contemplating the entrance portal, to show its scale and magnificence, with a low sun shining on the facade.
Talk to you all soon

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Daniel Sillo

The most important thing in the challenge for me is to catch nice mood and present a nice story. During the camera tests I was looking for the nice compositions, but stories were running through in my mind.
By the exterior image the sourrounding elements seemed important elements to me, I decided to create a winter atmosphere, with a dynamic public place. Looking forward to set nice materials and fill the space with contents. The front stairs give another nice viewpoint, which could be an alternative for the exterior.
The second image is gonna be the interior about the central library space. For the third image I tried to find something special, so I walked through the building for hidden secrets. The inspirations were paintings which connected to the function of the building, it would be nice to create a cozy private place/zones, where anyone can spend some time in peace.