Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Ahmed Solis

For the main picture I wanted to show the winter weather but mildly not something so dramatic, so I needed to create a bit of snow (not much because that requires a lot of RAM) so I had to decide which sections to work on, here I show the building itself with snow accumulating on the edges. This was done in HoudiniFX using VEX and VDB nodes.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by EduardoQ

Hi! after some holidays rest I’m back with an update.
The interior image is almost done, I just need to create a few materials and then it’s on to the exterior images. The process, as with the other images, starts with modelling, than texturing and ends with post production in photoshop, which I will do after I have all three images rendered.
The hardest part was getting the books to look right, I wanted to represent the book pattern behind Strindberg’s bust, on the upper level, as it really stands out from the rest of the library, so this took some work but I’m glad with the result.
The rest of the materials are easier, so I expect to be done with this image in the next couple of days so I can start with the exterior shots

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Ann Kuleshova

In search of an idea, I went to the pinterest. There I created a board where I added everything that I thought was interesting. Of course, I collected information for the library’s interior. As for the exterior, here I was clear – I want to make a drama, a strong cloudy sky hanging over the library, this mood is well shown in the first image in my mood board. As for the interior – I want to emphasize the geometry of the building, using simple materials, concrete, wood, metal. I also want to use the domed space and make a wow effect similar to the reference with Marilyn Monroe.
I attached screenshot of my board from the pinterest and the stage of creating a mood board.