Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Nicolo' Paolino

I’m setting the scenes in 3DS Max and I will use Corona as render engine. For the lighting I’m using some HDRI for the exterior views and CoronaSun and Sky for the interior shot. The vegetation has been made with both Corona Scatter and ForestPack. I’ve been fixing some assets and modeling part of them from scratch. I’m creating all the materials (textures) using Corona Layered Mtl, Composite, etc…

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by 3dNinja

Because I have decided to do three very separate views I’ve needed to have three separate files for this project. I’m starting to regret that decision, as it’s forced me to take on three very different projects as opposed to just the one! As it stands now, I believe I can still make the deadline. I’m close to having two of the views ready to render, but have yet to start on the third. The third should be the least time consuming, but with only two weeks left, I’m running out of time!

Another thing I’m coming up against is the fact that I’m working from my home computer which is fairly old and is not NEARLY as strong as the machine I use at work. So unfortunately the screenshots I’m uploading won’t show my material mapping. I’m uploading a few shots of my viewport and some of the lights and materials to show how I’m setting up the scene, but don’t yet have any progress renderings to show…

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Mazen Samir

Th idea of the images will revolve around the first encounter of a child to his dream place the library, I’m settled on one exterior view for now and I have an Idea of what the other two might look like but I’m going to post them in the wip when I’m done choosing them, so for now here’s a couple of screen grabs to the details I’ve been adding to the model.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Martijn van der Wielen

I go for:
1. The entrance stairs, as this has a very monumental value. And is one of the main features of the exterior.
3. A park view where you will cross the stream. This shows the relation to the park use.
7. Again the monumental value of the entrance which has beautiful details. I actually would have loved to make one of the other interior shots, but I can’t due to the lack of time to model all the details.