Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by EduardoQ

Here are the process and rendered images.
I wanted to show the building in a beautiful, natural light, to emphasize it’s egometry and color, in contrast with the environment. All the trees and textures were created by me using speedtree, substance designer and photoshop, some of the library features are really unique, the trees in front of it, the reliefs on the facade and the rotunda, the different books behind the strindberg sculpture inside the library, so I wanted to be faithfull to it to add realism to the images.
Now for post production I’m going to add people walking on a hot summer day, to portray the city life around the library and emphasize it’s scale.
See you soon!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by vustyansky

Hello, Good People!
It’s never too late to enter Tomorrow Challenge, right?

A few words about my concept
The building was erected in the thirties and demonstrated a TURNING POINT and a new trend in architectural thought of that time. This is exactly what I going to show in my paintings. I will place the library in it native era, back in 1930s year and we will see this contrast between OLD and NEW, importance of it’s appearance. To achieve this I am inspiring by the classics of art and trying to use some of their techniques combining it with cinematographic touches. Besides a story about the library and people of that time also you can expect from me a few easter eggs hidding in the pictures.

Wish a lot of inspiration to everyone!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by

We live in a temporary world, everything is threatened to change and be replaced. As humans, we are in need of stability which is why we keep looking for a place that will remain. I believe that the Stockholm Public Library is one example of these places that shall remain. A landmark that will be ultimately recognized by the observer no matter how many years have passed. In this image, I capture this building in a far away future, where the whole surrounding have been replaced by high uncharacteristic skyscrapers. Although the library appears to have been renovated in an effort to merge it with the nearby style, its uniqueness is obvious.
Those books are timeless, they are the key to the building’s immortality. There is no time for books, as they are a concrete representation of time passed. Therefore, there is no time for a library, it is everlasting. It is a place that remains.