Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Joel Hutton

Hi all, sorry for the delay. I’ve been trying to keep these updates weekly, but with the holidays it’s been hard to keep up.

This week I’ve decided to share my progress with lighting and composition. These three views will most likely be my final choices, although I am working on an alternate view from inside of the central hall of the library. I’ll update you all if that becomes a viable option.

The first view from the left is a detail shot of the library. I wanted to show off the stucco and trim of the library, as well as create a tall, interesting composition using the geometric nature of the building. The biggest challenge I’m facing with this view is the trees that line the sidewalk- they tend to block the architecture if they are life-sized and fully leafed.

The second view is from a much farther vantage point. In contrast with the first view, I wanted to focus on the building in context with the bustling city around it, as well as the day-to-day activities of those who inhabit it. The long, wide Stockholm streets also provide a great sense of depth, and give an idea of the scale of the library.

The third view is much smaller in scope than the first two. This image will be an exercise in lighting composition, with a heavy emphasis on shadow, light, and form. The camera angle gives just a hint of the grand library beyond. I am a bit disappointed that much of the curved bookshelves are hidden in this view. I’m considering a fourth interior view, but since I am working on this project by myself, I may not take it to completion.

Overall I’m very happy with my progress so far, and I hope to have fully modeled white model renderings by the end of this weekend. Happy New Year!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Joel Hutton

It’s been one week since the release of the building model, and I’ve been hard at work planning the mood, composition, and purpose of the three images that I’ll be submitting for this competition.

The exterior shot was difficult to pin down at first. I finally decided that a closer, more intimate view of the building would bring out the trim detail, as well as the rich stucco texture. A closer shot also makes a more interesting, minimalist composition, which I think works nicely with the geometric nature of the library.

For lighting, I imagine a crisp European morning with blue hour light illuminating the building. I want to capture the stillness of a waking city, and the foggy, misty atmosphere that comes right after a rainfall.

For the interior shot, I want to focus on the intersection of staircases in the entrance hall. This image will be an exercise in lighting and composition, using the stairs and natural light to create a powerful image.

Most of all, I want to tell a story with each image. I’ll be focusing on the people who use the space every day, and capture small vignettes of daily life in Stockholm. I’ve made some headway on the initial modeling, and am slowly honing in on the views I’d like to focus on. White models are soon to follow!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Domenico Prisco

Hi guys, it’s time to reveal my last shot angle, i’m a very fan of narrow lenses, so for the thirth image i’m focused on the detail of the library entrance.
I want to make a snow falling mood, because i really like the contrast between the orangy/brown building and the white of the snowthe story continue with the library on the background and something special that happen in the middle plane with characters!
In my imagination is the Christmas day and the library is closed or something like that, i’ll add just a little warm light inside beyond the frozen glasses.
Thanks a lot