Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-75944047

The boundless field symbolizes the history of mankind. On this field is growing as useful grain (bodily food) and the weeds and the thorns. Through this field is winding road, following which you can reach the “temple” of art. So I tried to show the continuity of spiritual and bodily food …

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-16381248

Hi, everyone. First time I saw this project my decision was to enter the Challenge since it is an extremely interesting architectural piece. When researching the Art Museum location, many things about Kalmar felt interesting. The old historic town, with extraordinary architectural pieces, one of them our subject – Tham & Videgård’s Art Museum, another one – Kalmar Slott. The later felt like an interesting motif of the contrast between old and new. By contrast, I mean the plain difference between modern times and the ancient ones. It shows the progress of people and the inheritance carried over through times.
With that in mind, I decided to base my concept on that exact contrast. That goes hand in hand with the natural and realistic look of the image that was demanded since the Art Museum is really close to the Kalmar Slott and could be photographed from the angle that shows both of the extraordinary pieces. Another thing that made the story interesting is the fact that the Art Museum is situated in the City Park, near the Baltic Sea.

Main guiding principles: Art Museum, Kalmar Slott, dark wood, park, water, a contrast between old and new architecture.

During the next few days, I will post the working process with the quick draft sketch consisting of the capture of the 3DS Max viewport.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-17894561

I’m finished with the model and interior lighting, and want to show the scene in an autumn setting. I moved to Sweden several years ago, and autumn is my favourite time of the year: very dramatic colours, blue skies and the weather is getting colder.
I think this will be a good time to show the building – low sunlight will show the materials of the building off nicely.
I want to show the building sitting in a natural setting: trees, granite sunshine. Also to make the interior of the building look enticing from the outside.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-14178505

Finally I decided the environment of my proposal,It was sketched on photoshop and the final image It will a Meadow with yellow flowers, an old person who is walking to the build.
It is a concept inspired by the film Tomorrowland from Disney. The challenge will be to modelling everything: flower,mountains, the old person and a couples bees on the flowers in less than 2 weeks. 🙂

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-23102850

As the Italian Architect Achille Castiglioni said: “I spend a year sitting on the sofa, thinking; only then i start to use the pencil”.

For this project I do not have a year or so, but for me it is very important to observe, think, understand and learn about the project and its intention before beginning with the practice and the technical part, which without a purpose and an objective loses importance and relevance.

I have never done a winter interpretation and this will be my challenge, I also want to achieve a photographic style, as natural as I can, without filters or an excessive postproduction that many times more than help, difficult to read the image (There are many artists that are true geniuses in postproduction but it is not my case, that’s why I always try to keep things clean and simple as possible)