Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Ahmed Solis

This infography explains the creative process behind the “summer day” picture one of my entries for the challenge. The one point perspective is a composition which can appeal to be simple but if handled correctly the results can astonish the public. I wanted to get far from the classic arch viz framing, composition and lighting, also for the color palette and saturation. Most of the framing was inspired by my personal gallery of “pueblos magicos” like San Miguel de Allende, classic colonial facades mostly flat looking so the best way to capture them is by a one point perspective picture.

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Vaibhav Shah


For this project I have choose early morning scene inspired from the environment inside the library which is calm, scilence and peaceful. This idea triggerd while I was watching “Monsters University” were there is a library scene in which they had a task to collect there flag whithout making any noise and thats when I got the idea to make a very fresh,calm and peaceful environment and thats how I choose to go with Early morning scene were the first rays of the sun hitting the building and making it glow.

I wanted to keep surrounding as subtle as possible and have a main focus on the the library for which I shown morning rays falling on the building and the surrounding is still in quite dark.

For Interior View I was very confused between couple of camera angles and which camera would go with the exterior concept and while i was looking for references i came across couple of images were sunlight is entering inside the building and creating a beam of rays and thats what i thought will go best with my Interior view were rays of light is entering inside the library and creating a very fresh and calm environment.

For This Project I have used Corona Renderer and Forest pack. I have Used PG HDRI (0839 Cloudy Dawn) for both exterior views.

It was first time I making anyproject like this so i tried to keep it as simple and realistic as possible.

I am very happy with the final output and didnt do much of an editing in photoshop just little bit of colour correction.

I hope you like it too..